September 14, 2023
IFAS/FFGT study reveals unexpected potential for bamboo crop farming in Florida
Winter Haven (Fla.)
A study initiated by the Florida Bamboo Growers Association to understand the potential of industrial bamboo farming in the region has revealed previously unrecognized potential for the bamboo crop industry.
Don Rockwood of FFGT, in partnership with the Florida Bamboo Growers Association and the University of Florida IFAS (Institute of Food and Agricultural Science), has developed a study to understand the growth of bamboo in Florida. Rockwood has teamed with UF/IFAS Assistant Professor Dr. Davie Kadyampakeni and a team of researchers to evaluate production of select bamboo farms to gain insight into the potential for the bamboo crop industry in Florida. FBGA, an independent industry association established in 2022, anticipates the potential for bamboo crops to bolster agricultural production lost by the decline in the citrus industry. However, little reliable research has been conducted in the region to understand just how much a local bamboo farm can produce.
According to this new study’s findings, a bamboo shoots crop could potentially yield 6,000 to 10,000 pounds per acre, far exceeding current harvest rates of about 2% that volume. This is exciting news for bamboo farmers who are in the process of developing best practices in this young crop industry in Florida.
FBGA has brought together bamboo growers and allied organizations in Florida to better understand the burgeoning industry. The young association partnered with IFAS and FFGT to unlock the growers’ understanding of bamboo production as well as best practices for a healthy harvest. The researchers’ latest findings have revealed that the potential yield for a bamboo harvest is far greater than projected using current harvesting techniques. Learning that current harvesting practices do not maximize the full potential of the crop offers bamboo growers hope for yields far greater than currently experienced.
Future supporting research to determine best practices for healthy, productive bamboo farms in Florida is expected to bolster the resources available to growers and support growth in the industry. Bamboo growers and companies that support the bamboo industry are welcome to join the Florida Bamboo Growers Association for regular updates on research findings, exclusive events, and industry news at
For more information, contact FBGA President Kevin Barley at [email protected].