Dr. Hardev Sandhu

Dr. Hardev Sandhu
Associate Professor, Everglades REC
Dr. Hardev Sandhu is an Associate Professor in the Agronomy Department of the University of Florida, stationed at the Everglades REC, Belle Glade, Florida. Dr. Sandhu has been conducting sugarcane and energycane cultivar development and agronomy research for over 15 years and has published almost 100 peer-reviewed articles in refereed journals.
In collaboration with USDA-ARS, Dr. Sandhu developed 42 sugarcane and 5 energycane cultivars. Dr. Sandhu’s agronomic research is focused on developing new management techniques to improve yields and/or reduce inputs for sustainable sugarcane production. The new techniques include the use of sensor technology in sugarcane production systems. Dr. Sandhu is currently serving as the editor of the ASSCT journal, the review editor of Journal of crop improvement and the associate editor of Agronomy Journal.